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5 Myths About Dieting Every Woman Should Know

Butter. Coffee. Eggs. Other than parts of a delicious breakfast, what do these three foods have in common? They’ve all been subject to public debate on their level of healthfulness and nutrition. 

Every few years, a report tries to change the conversation on whether you should eat butter instead of margarine, if you should skip your morning coffee, or ditch eggs all together. With so many changes always happening, it can be hard to know what is real when it comes to dieting.

Although both genders have to deal with an endless stream of studies trying to dictate appropriate eating behaviors, woman-focused advice often seems rife with misinformation and diet myths. Here’s a chance to separate some of the most popular myths from the facts.

 If you’re interested in dieting or starting a weight loss program, come see the team at Woodstock Family Practice & Urgent Care. James Y. Lee, DO, and the rest of our team will make sure you receive excellent care. Dr. Lee is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and is proud to offer a holistic, patient-focused approach to medical care.

Myth: If you eat late at night you’ll gain weight

In fact, while calories can do a lot of things, they definitely don’t have the ability to tell time. The issue with this myth is that it confuses correlation with causation. While late-night eaters do tend to gain weight, it doesn’t have much to do with the time of day.

The two bigger factors are portion control and the food you choose to eat after dark. Most late-night snacks, like ice cream or popcorn, are typically unhealthy. Instead, try fruit or yogurt to quench your midnight hunger.

Myth: Never skip breakfast

In fact, no studies definitively link breakfast to weight loss or health. However, eating breakfast does you good. A healthy breakfast makes it easier to skip unhealthy snacks later in the day. Additionally, a well-timed breakfast helps you start a good schedule for lunch and dinner later in the day.

Myth: Fat makes you fat

This is one of the oldest in the book. When it comes to fat, it’s all about what kind of fat you’re consuming. Try to cut out foods with low-quality fats like butter, beef, and hydrogenated vegetable oil. 

Foods with higher-quality fats include olive oil, nuts, most fish, and avocados. If you’re set on eliminating some fat from your diet, make it the trans fats found in packaged foods, fried fast foods, and margarine.

Myth: It’s expensive to eat healthy

It’s certainly possible to blow your food budget at the organic grocery store. However, a recent study found that a person who follows a diet of heart-healthy whole foods can reduce their food budget by up to $8 a week. 

There are two keys to eating healthy on the cheap. First, look to buy less expensive fruits and vegetables that are sold in larger quantities like grapes, oranges, and carrots. Also try to eat in-season veggies and fruits — they’re typically less expensive than out-of-season produce that’s shipped in.

Myth: Fat-free food will make you fat-free

As briefly mentioned above, not all fat is bad. In fact, some amount of fat is necessary for optimal brain, heart, and organ function. While low-fat or fat-free might sound great, these foods usually have added sugar, starch, or salt to make up for the reduction in fat. 

Additionally, don’t let your serving size change for low-fat foods. Just because something has less fat doesn’t mean it has fewer calories.

If you’re having trouble separating out all of these diet myths, come see the team at Woodstock Family Practice & Urgent Care. We offer a weight-management program to help you lose weight and keep it off. Call us at 770-927-8273 or use online booking to arrange an appointment with our Woodstock office today. You can also send a message to Dr. Lee and the team here on our website.

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