What Can I Expect During a Prostate Exam?

If you’re feeling anxious about your upcoming prostate exam, you’re not alone. Many men share the same concerns and questions.
Board-certified family practitioner Dr. James Lee has extensive experience treating men’s health issues at Woodstock Family Practice & Urgent Care, and he offers state-of-the-art diagnostic testing and preventive health screenings, including prostate exams.
Men throughout Woodstock, Georgia, trust his professionalism, expertise, and respect for patients.
Knowing that the idea of a prostate exam can be unsettling, he offers this step-by-step guide on what you can expect, so you can be at ease with the procedure and take this essential step confidently.
The importance of prostate exams
While getting probed in the backside doesn’t top your list of fun things to do, it should rank highly in importance. In fact, if you’re over 50, routine prostate exams are your best bet for spotting problems like cancer. Regular screening catches problems early when they’re most treatable.
What happens during a prostate exam?
The day of your prostate exam is no big deal, but knowing what to expect can help you relax and get through it without much anxiety.
1. Undress and gown up
Once you get to our exam room, we leave you alone to remove your clothing and undergarments below the waist. Then, you cover yourself with the gown we provide.
2. Finding the right position
When Dr. Lee enters the room, he helps you find the best position for the exam. He may ask you to stand with your legs apart and bend at the waist, or lie on your side with your knees pulled up to your chest. Both positions make it easier for him to access and examine your prostate.
3. Relax
It’s natural to feel tense, but try to relax, breathe deeply, and stay calm.
4. Insertion of the gloved finger
Dr. Lee uses a lubricated glove to insert a finger into your rectum gently.
5. Checking for abnormalities
Dr. Lee feels for any lumps, swelling, or tenderness using his gloved finger. This part of the exam lasts only a few seconds. He talks with you throughout the exam, reminding you to relax and letting you know what he’s feeling.
What happens after the prostate exam?
Once the exam is complete, we give you a sanitizing wipe to clean yourself.
After cleaning up, you can get dressed and prepare for a final discussion with Dr. Lee. He reviews the findings with you, discusses any concerns, and recommends further tests if necessary.
Prostate exam myths
The reasons most men put off their routine prostate exam are fear of the unknown and presumptions about the experience. Here are a few of the most common myths surrounding prostate exams.
Prostate exams are painful
Prostate exams are not painful. While it might be uncomfortable, it takes just a few minutes.
Prostate exams are embarrassing
Dr. Lee performs these exams regularly. He’s a seasoned professional who is trained to make the experience as comfortable as possible.
I don’t need a prostate exam if I feel fine
Prostate issues have no symptoms in the early stages. The best time to get a prostate exam is when you feel fine.
What to do if something is detected
If Dr. Lee finds anything unusual, he may recommend further tests, such as a PSA blood test or a biopsy, to gather more information about your prostate health. He lets you know what to expect depending on your unique findings.
Are you ready to take the next step? Book your prostate exam at Woodstock Family Practice & Urgent Care now.
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