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What to Expect Before, During, and After Allergy Testing

What to Expect Before, During, and After Allergy Testing

Allergens come in many forms, from bugs to foods to things you touch. If you don’t know what causes your allergic symptoms, you may need to undergo allergy testing to get to the bottom of it. 

When you’re ready to find out which allergens are wreaking havoc with your skin, lungs, and gut, come see Dr. James Lee and our team at Woodstock Family Practice & Urgent Care in Woodstock, Georgia. 

Our professional allergy testing clears up the mystery surrounding your allergic reactions and helps you manage your allergies so you can live more comfortably and safely. 

Getting ready for your allergy test

There’s not much to do to prepare for your allergy test, but there are several things you shouldn’t do. For example, for a week before your test, don’t take these prescription or over-the-counter items:

Talk to Dr. Lee about all of the medications you take, including antidepressants and beta-blockers for high blood pressure.

On the day of your allergy test, avoid using scented products, including perfume and cologne, hand lotion, and hairspray.

During your allergy test

After discussing your symptoms and performing a physical exam, Dr. Lee narrows down the allergens he suspects may be giving you trouble. 

Based on that information, he applies a small amount of those allergens on your skin. If he’s testing for more than one allergen at a time, he creates a line or grid pattern to track the results as your skin reacts.

If a rash forms, it indicates a positive reaction to that allergen, and Dr. Lee can treat you accordingly.

After your allergy test

The best part of your appointment comes when the allergy test is complete. Dr. Lee monitors your skin’s reaction, determines which allergens you need to avoid, and develops a customized treatment plan.

Rather than treating your allergic symptoms with medication, Dr. Lee offers immunotherapy to train your body to overcome its negative reaction to allergens.

To do this, he injects a small, diluted sample of the allergen into your skin. A series of these injections works much like a vaccine, slowly causing your body to recognize the allergen and learn that it isn’t a hostile pathogen.

Over time, your reaction to the allergen decreases, and eventually, the treatment eliminates your allergy altogether.

If you suspect you’re allergic to a substance, food, or insect, call or click to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee and get started on immunotherapy to overcome your allergies. 

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